ACROSS – CAT Tool Review (Incl Free Download)


The Across Language Server is a CAT tool and translation management system, designed to support the entire translation process which includes project and workflow control, translation, correction, and release. While the Across Language Server targets enterprises and language service providers, the Across Translator Edition is specifically designed for freelance translators where users can choose between a free basic version or a premium version, which is paid via a monthly subscription.

To make the best possible use of the tools Across has to offer, one can take part in one of their certified intensive training programs.

The Across CAT tool is one of the main CAT tools we use here at EHLION. Our Project Managers have completed the four-day Across Classroom Training and got certified for the newest Version 7.

We will be giving you an inside look into the functions, applications, and advantages of the Across CAT tool throughout this article, and if you’re on the search for a new CAT tool, take a look at the series of articles we have created covering the best CAT tools available on the market like SDL Trados, memoQ, Memsource, and Smartcat.

What is the Across Translator Edition?

The Across Translator Edition is a CAT-Tool designed for freelance translators. The acronym CAT stands for “Computer-Assisted Translation”. In simpler terms, a CAT tool is a software that provides a translation environment with a variety of functions that supports a human translator carry out their jobs.

A CAT tool can never replace a human translator and it is not to be confused with machine translation. However, machine translators can be connected to the Across Translator Edition, but these results always need post-editing by a human translator to ensure that the translation meets human standards and is free from errors.
Overall, the Across CAT tool can simplify and speed up the translation process.

Functions and applications of Across Translator Edition

Functions and applications of Across Translator Edition
Functions and applications of Across Translator Edition

The translation environment in Across is named crossDesk. In the center of the user interface one can find two columns. The left column contains the source text and the matching translation can be found on the right. However, the translator is not able to write the translation into the right column. To do that, one needs to go to a separate field below the two columns, where the translation can be inputted. In terms of usability, Across takes a bit more of getting used to.

With Across Translator Edition you can edit various file formats (e.g. Word, XML) as well as convert text back to those formats after finishing a translation.

Translation memory and terminology management

Across allows you to create translation memories as well as terminology databases. It is also possible to integrate and use the ones your clients provided you with.

Simply put, translation memories are databases in which the source text and the matching translation are saved. So if the source text contains a sentence that has been translated before and is stored in the Across translation memory, it is displayed to the translator in crossDesk.

Terminology works similarly as well where if a word or a phrase that needs to be translated is part of the terminology database, it will be made visible to the translator.

This ensures the consistent use of terminology and thus a consistent corporate language.

Translation memory and terminology management
Translation memory and terminology management (Taken from Across)

Connecting Across Translator Edition to machine translators

At the request of the client, it is possible to use machine translators to translate more text in a shorter time. The Across translation software can be connected to various machine translators such as Google Translate, DeepL, Moses, KantanMT or SYSTRAN. The translation created with machine translation is available in the crossDesk environment, which simplifies the post-editing process for the human translator.

Post-editing is always necessary as no matter how good machine translation gets, it can’t replace a human translator. Why? Because there are still countless things machine translators can’t do. They don’t understand irony, they have no idea how to read and translate a text in the appropriate cultural context nor do they know how to read between the lines and pick the right context.

Across CAT tool – download & pricing

The basic version of the Across Translator Edition is free, but the functions included are only very limited.

The full premium version is free for students, but on a monthly subscription basis for freelance translators.

Across offers 2 subscription models:

  • 19, 50 Euro monthly, if you subscribe for 12 months.
  • 24,50 Euro monthly, if you subscribe for 3 months.

The following features are only available for premium members:

  • Project management (in standalone mode)
  • Machine Translation integration
  • Document preview
  • Integration of your personal translation memory and terminology in the Offline Client
  • The check-out of local projects (in standalone mode)

Additionally, the basic version only allows concurrent connection to one client, whilst for premium users it is unlimited. Premium users can also use the software on two computers, while users of the free version can only use it on one.  Across Cat tool, free download here.

Across Trainings

Across developers made sure that users are able to receive full training for their CAT tool. Across offers certified training programs for translators and project managers, which allows users to get the highest possible benefit from using Across, for themselves as well as for their clients.

Participants can get Across certified. Trainings are held on-site as well as online. Costs vary depending on the number of participants and the number of modules booked.

For example, the costs for a certification package for 2 participants and all 2 modules are € 4,350.

Conclusion – Across Translator Edition, a solid CAT tool for professional translators

The software offers a wide range of functions that can help speed up the translation process

  • Translation memory
  • Terminology database
  • connection with machine translators
  • simultaneous processing of multiple tasks

Across Translator Edition
Across Translator Edition – PM (Taken from Across)

Users of the free basic version can only make limited use of all the features included in the Across Translator Edition, therefore full-time freelance translators should consider subscribing to the full premium version.

To offer users more flexibility, more and more CAT tool providers have started offering cloud solutions in addition to their existing services. Across currently isn’t one of them. 

Want to learn more about CAT tools? At EHLION we have years of experience working with market-leading CAT tools such as Across Language Server and SDL Trados and we also offer CAT tool training. If you want to learn more about how you or your company can benefit from using CAT tools, contact us for more information.

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