Over 20 years experience

100 languages & 800 language combinations

ISO 17100, 9001, 14001 & 27001 certified

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Providing you with the right language solution

Why choose EHLION?

With over 20 years of experience within the language industry, a team of dedicated project managers available on different time zones, and supported by a team of over 1,000 linguists, EHLION is the go-to solution for all your language requirements. We work with 100 languages and over 800 language combinations.

EHLION is certified in ISO standards ISO 17100, ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 27001. Our linguists are all native speakers and specialize in different subject areas.

I look forward to our collaboration!

Why choose EHLION?

With over 20 years of experience within the language industry, a team of dedicated project managers available on different time zones, and supported by a team of over 1,000 linguists, EHLION is the go-to solution for all your language requirements. We work with 100 languages and over 800 language combinations.

EHLION is certified in ISO standards ISO 17100, ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 27001. Our linguists are all native speakers and specialize in different subject areas.

I look forward to our collaboration!

Serena Calogero | Team leader Project Manager

Serena Calogero
Team Leader Project Management & Quality Manager


Our ISO Certifications

Our clients

We are committed to quality!

Partners & Memberships


Across certified, version 7

Certified user

LSP partner

LICS Certified




